Thursday, April 15, 2010

Facebook Forum Group

I have started a Facebook Group to act as a forum for people to upload their charts, discuss their ideas and gain feedback from other chartists. I am hoping to build up a solid user base where people who are learning about Elliott Wave can come for guidance and feedback, and where experienced Elliotticians can go to talk about their ideas and expectations for the future. CLICK HERE to check out the page and please join if you think you might have something to offer or gain from the Elliott Wave community.


  1. Both you and I's posts in the EW room regarding Roy's video have been deleted by Sean, who only left his claim about monetary gain blah. Other long-timers have long complained that some of their posts were deleted by will and stopped posting. Some moderator is really an extremely sceptic hypocrite.


  2. I just tried to log on at it says I have been banned for the rest of the week but no reason is given. I might see about putting a complaint in about Sean's draconian moderating.
